Monday, May 4, 2015

The Shining

"Masterpiece of Modern Horror"
Typewriter from The Shining' Stanley Kubrick exhibit at EYE Filminstitut Netherlands, AmsterdamMarcel Oosterwijk from Amsterdam, The Netherlands - All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy (The Shining)
Stanley Kubrick's The Shining is not only one of the scariest films of all time, but also a prime example of what is meant by "Kubrickian." As we watch this film, we'll look at how tension and fear are built, as well as what makes Kubrick...Kubrick.

Check out some full notes on the film, which is based on a Stephen King novel of the same name. The viewing guide is comprehensive...Stay focused!

Just to give you an idea of where we are headed, your assessment of this unit will be an essay, so really pay attention to film techniques, and how these aid in the themes of the film--isolation, madness, alcoholism, abuse...

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