Thursday, January 22, 2015

Film Analysis Class!

Welcome to Film Analysis with Mr. Bujold! My hope is that you come out of this class with a deeper understanding of the film form, and the ability to look at films with a more critical eye. This blog will serve as a place for you to get handouts, find links to fun things, and get the daily agenda. Go to the "Units/Handouts" tab to download any documents I hand out in class.

Today's Agenda:

  • Fill out "Get to know you" sheet
  • Go over the expectations/syllabus/permission slip
  • Accessing prior knowledge: What do you know about the technical aspects of film?
  • Class Brainstorm
    • What are the qualities of a "great" movie?
    • What are some of your favorite movies?
  • If there is time: "Looking at Movies" DVD-"Film Analysis" (15 minutes)

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