Friday, December 9, 2016


There was a time that the label ‘noir’ could legitimately be applied only to a specific cycle of post-World War II Hollywood films. In recent years, however, there has been increasing acceptance of a much more flexible use of the term –both to draw in pre-World War II examples and, more importantly, to expand the category sufficiently to include the phenomenon of “Neo-Noir.”

This widening of the term, of course, complicates one of the questions that critics continue to debate. That is, what kind of classification is 'noir'? Is it a visual style, a tone, a genre, a generic field, a movement, a cycle, a series - or just a helpful category? Rather, it is a ‘network of ideas’ that can be borrowed from and played with. Therefore, a “Neo-Noir” is a film that harkens back to the original genre, but also re-invents itself for more modern sensibilities.

The transformations of the genre in Neo-Noir have helped to clarify some of the constant, recognizable elements of 'the noir vision', most importantly the moral ambivalence of the protagonist and his (or her) ill-fated relationship with a wider society that itself is guilty of corruption and criminality.

Check out a list of Neo-Noir titles (courtesy of Wikipedia), as well as some recent noir-related quotes from film reviews.

L.A. Confidential is the perfect neo-noir; set in the 1950s, made in the 1990s, it deftly intertwines the conventions of classic noir and modern sensibilities.

Powerpoint synopsis of the first hour of LA Confidential...

Notes on the noir elements found in both Double Indemnity and LA Confidential

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Film Noir

  • The term “film noir” was created by French film critics and literally means “black film.”
  • World War II (1939-1945) caused Americans (and most of the world) to become more cynical and jaded.
  • As a result, many Hollywood films in that time period had that similar style.
  • Since France was occupied by Nazis during WWII, France was unable to see these films as they came out. As a result, they were bombarded with a backlog of films that now had a gloomy, pessimistic worldview (because of the war); much different than the glitzy, sunny films prior.
The Essential Elements of Film Noir
  • Gritty, Urban Setting
  • Twisted, Complicated Plot
  • Morally Ambiguous Protagonists
  • Low-Key Lighting, Contrasting Shadows
  • Femme Fatale
  • Corruption/Greed
Read a terrific article that tries to define the genre...
To get a sense of the classic film noir genre, we will watch Double Indemnity. There is a viewing guide that goes along with this film...

Monday, December 5, 2016

Romantic Comedy Storyboard

After our thorough analysis of the romantic comedy genre, it is time for you to create your own romantic comedy...Or at least a skeleton of one...

In pairs (or alone), create a plot line of your romantic comedy. See the example using our two films.
Choose one scene from your plot line (like the "climax" or "resolution"), and storyboard that scene. See the assignment for details...

Here is an example of a storyboard...